This is a closed, illustrated RP BATTLE between Medik and myself. Spectators are welcome to post comments, but only Medik and myself will be participating.
In this post I'll be rolling 1d2. If the result is 1, Medik will go first, 2, myself.
We will be going 3 ROUNDS -- 1 TURN for each of us each round.
Each turn we will have 2-4 ACTIONS, one action per post. In the first action each turn we will roll 1d3 to determine the number of additional actions that turn. (So in that first post we don't actually know how many we have yet.) All actions will be completed before it is the next player's turn.
Each action is essentially a single move. Mostly, we will be violently attacking each other, probably with toony TF-ish results. We can also perform actions on ourselves, i.e. transforming part of our bodies. Actions can only affect one general body part at a time. I.e. no poofing the opponent into a bunny with a snap of the fingers. Minor full-body effects are fine (e.g. Shifty going into "disguise mode" -- although that would not affect parts I transformed.

I will be sketching EVERY action. As such, for the most part there will only be one action posted per weekend day (probably Saturday-Monday). With three rounds, and 2-4 actions per turn, that means there will be between 12 - 24 frames total. I will be posting my actions along with my sketch. When it's Medik's turn, he will post his action, then wait for me to draw it before posting his next one.
(If there is sufficient demand and I'm not utterly burned out, I might consider going an extra round or so.
